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Chicago Woman Awarded $7 Million in Suit Against Target

A Chicago woman who suffered severe brain injuries after being hit by a malfunctioning door in a Rosemont, Illinois Target store has been awarded a $7 million settlement. The Chicago Sun-Times reports that Claire Putman, 81, was entering a Target store at 7000 Mannheim Road on June 21, 2007, when a swinging door knocked her down and caused her head to hit the ground. Security video shows that the malfunctioning door swung open and struck her again.

Putnam suffered “diffuse brain injury” according to her attorney, and has some lasting cognitive deficiencies. She will move from a nursing home to her family’s home with medical costs being paid from the money she was awarded in the settlement.

A Cook County judge approved the settlement from Target and Besam USA, the manufacturer
of the malfunctioning door.

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