Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.

From experience, the auto accident lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. have observed that hit and run accidents are common in Chicago.  While most people will stop after an accident and exchange information, there are irresponsible drivers who will simply take off. Some drivers will simply not stop and take off from the start.  Other drivers, however, stop briefly then think about it and then take off.  Others stop and state that they are going to pull their car to the side of the road and then drive off without exchanging information.  That is why it is important not to trust the other driver and be sure to get photos and videos of the other driver’s license plate and vehicle immediately and photos of the other driver.  Why is it important to get a photo of the other driver? After we track down the owner of the car through the Secretary of State with the license information, it is not uncommon for the owner of the car to completely deny they were driving the car and the time place of the occurrence. Then when we make a claim with the other driver’s insurance, the insurance company will deny the claim because the owner tells their insurance company that it was all a mistake since they were not involved any accident. Nothing settles an insurance claim faster than presenting the insurance company with videos or photos of their insured at the scene of the accident.  The insurance company now knows that their client is dishonest, and are then eager to settle the claim.

What if the other driver takes off and you are unable to get a license plate number?  If you drive and have insurance, then your uninsured motorist coverage will cover medical expenses for injuries arising out of a hit and run. In hit and run cases it is important to notify the police immediately and make an accident report.  Be sure to document the scene with photos of your vehicle and the scene of the accident.  Next, it is very important to notify your own insurance company immediately. Some insurance companies, especially substandard insurance companies, have a very short time frame to notify them regarding a hit and run and they will deny coverage if you report past their short time frame.  Keep in mind, some insurance companies are looking for any excuse to deny coverage so when you report the accident on the phone, be sure to document when the call was made and who you spoke to.  Always be sure to get a claim number from the insurance company because that will be how the case is tracked.  Be sure to follow up with a written notice of claim sent by certified mail if that is what your insurance company requires.  The bottom line is to be sure you are complying with the notification requirements of  insurance policy to avoid having your insurance company deny insurance coverage.

Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.

The number of fatal or serious injury crashes in some Chicago neighborhoods is shocking and would be surprising to people living in those neighborhoods.  According to the Chicago Department of Transportation’s annual traffic crashes report, there were an astounding 135 serious or fatal traffic crashes in the Austin neighborhood, 56 in Belmont Cragin, 50 in Portage Park.  Jefferson Park had only 8 and Hermosa and Forest Glen had 12.  According to Chicago statistics, 84% of the traffic fatality cases in 2023 involved reckless or egregious driving behavior.  From personal experience, the personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. can attest that many of the cases we handle involve defendants who caused accidents by driving recklessly, by driving at excessive speeds, by testing and driving or other such dangerous driving practices.

Reckless driving can include various dangerous behaviors, including excessive speeding, aggressive lane changes, running red lights, and driving under the influence. In Chicago, with the dense traffic conditions and the presence of pedestrians, such driving is much more likely to lead serious injuries.

Written and Reviewed by Peter Zneimer, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.

You are stopped at a red light when out of the blue you are rear-ended by an SUV.  Your car is badly damaged and you are injured and taken to the the emergency room in an ambulance. The liability is clear that it is the other drivers fault.  However, there is one big problem.  The other driver is uninsured. The Chicago personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. unfortunately run into this situation quite often. With the cost of auto insurance rising, more people have trouble paying for auto insurance and are choosing to drive with out protection.  According to Insurance Research Council (IRC) in 2022, 14 percent of drivers in the USA did not have insurance coverage.  In Illinois the number of people driving without insurance is slightly higher, at 16.3%.

In Illinois, driving without insurance is against the law and if you are caught, could lead to a ticket.  The fines a Judge can levy may be substantial.

In Chicago and everywhere, most homes have stairs.  When stairs lack proper safety features like handrails, they become a hidden hazard. Missing, defective, or wobbly handrails are not just inconvenient. They are a serious safety concern that can result in devastating injuries. In Chicago and in Illinois, property owners have a legal duty to ensure that stairways comply with safety standards, including the installation of handrails. When they fail to do so, and someone falls on the stairs, the owner would likely be responsible for the injuries.

The Critical Role of Handrails: Insights from Research and Case Law

Research shows that handrails play a crucial role in preventing falls. A study by Maki et al. demonstrated that handrails allow individuals to quickly stabilize themselves, reducing the likelihood of a fall. In cases where people lost their balance, those who grabbed a handrail could generate stabilizing forces equal to 60% of their body weight within seconds, a response that dramatically reduced the risk of serious personal injury.

Written and reviewed by Peter Zneimer of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.

As Chicago personal injury lawyers with over 20 years of experience, Zneimer & Zneimer P.C.  has witnessed a constant rise in the cost of medical treatment, car repairs and used cars and new cars over the years. However, during that 20 years, the minimum insurance coverage required by the state of Illinois has risen from $20,000 to $25,000 per person with the maximum of $50,000 coverage per car if there are passengers who were injured.  While some people opt for the $25,000 coverage policy because it is the cheapest, it is also the riskiest. If you get into a crash that is your fault and the other driver is injured and needs to be taken to the hospital via ambulance and the requires physical therapy the medical damages alone can quickly reach that $25,000 policy limit.  That is not even counting the additional damages of wage loss, pain and suffering and loss of a normal life that the other driver may be entitled to.  If the damages to the other driver far exceed your policy limit of $25,000 and you own significant assets such as stocks, a bank account and a paid for house, nothing prevents the other driver from rejecting the $25,000 policy and going after your personal assets.  If you do not have any assets, then there is less risk in purchasing the minimum policy, but if you do own assets then you can rest easier with a large policy limit.

The personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer, P.C. often have clients who were in an accident and the other at fault party in the other car either is uninsured or has only the bare minimum policy of $25,000.  Fortunately, Illinois law requires that all insurance polices also include uninsured motorist coverage that offers protection in case you are injured by a driver that does not have insurance or if you are injured by a hit-and-run driver. The minimum coverage for uninsured motorist is $25,000 per person injured in the accident and $50,000 per single accident if there are multiple injured passengers.  What if the other at fault driver has only $25,000 coverage but your medical bills far exceed the $25,000 and the other drivers insurance offer the total$25,000 policy? Does that mean you will be left insufficiently compensated? The answer is that depends.  If you also have the minimum $25,000 policy and you settle with the other at fault driver for $25,000 (the full policy) then the $25,000 you receive from the other driver will be set-off again your own $25,000 coverage so you will not receive any additional compensation.  However, if the other driver had $25,000 in coverage and you had $100,000 in under-insured  coverage, then after you received the $25,000 policy from the other driver and after the set-off of $25,000 you will have $75,000 in additional coverage for a total of $100,000.  So it may well be worth paying extra for larger policy limits to be protected from under-insured and uninsured motorists.  Given that almost 17% of drivers on Illinois roads and a large percentage of drivers only carry the minimum coverage, it is wise to pay the extra for larger policy limits.

The Chicago Department of Transportation recently announced that a record 11 million trips were taken on shared ride scooters and bikes in 2024.  That compares to 8.7 million rides that were taken in 2023 and represents the fourth straight year that use of ride share services have increased.   The personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. note that the city of Chicago has made a concerted effort to expand its Divvy bike and scooter docking stations.  The city has stated it has a goal of adding 400 more docking stations in the near future which will most likely increase usage of ride-share services even more. Part of the plan is put more Divvy stations at key transportation hubs like CTA and Metra stations.

Though Divvy bike docks are open year-round, riding Divvy bikes and any other bikes in the winter in Chicago is especially challenging.  The special challenges are as follows:

  1. Slick Surfaces

Winter driving in Chicago can be dangerous. Icy roads, heavy snow, and freezing temperatures create challenges that demand preparation and vigilance.  As Chicago plaintiff personal injury attorneys at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., we’ve seen many cases where the accidents were causes by icy roads. With proper preparation and safe driving techniques, you can reduce the risk of accidents and stay safe on the road. Here’s how to prepare your vehicle, drive safely, and be ready for emergencies this winter season.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

Before the first snowfall, it’s essential to ensure your vehicle is winter-ready. Use this checklist to prepare your car:

Cualquiera que circule por Western Ave. en Chicago ha notado toda la construcción que se está realizando a lo largo de las aceras para agregar salientes de bordillo y otras adiciones diseñadas para favorecer a los peatones. Los salientes de bordillo son bordillos que se extienden hacia la calle, creando más espacio en la acera en las esquinas. Según el sitio web del Departamento de Transporte de Chicago, la filosofía detrás de los salientes de bordillo es que hacen las calles más seguras y reducen las lesiones de peatones que resultan de ser atropellados por un automóvil:

  • Reduciendo la velocidad del tráfico al estrechar la calle.
  • Obligar a los conductores que giran a reducir la velocidad para completar los giros.

Los abogados de resbalones y caídas de Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. observan que los casos más comunes de lesiones en propiedades son las caídas en escaleras. Bajar escaleras es intrínsecamente peligroso, ya que una caída desde cierta altura genera la fuerza necesaria para causar esguinces graves, fracturas y traumatismos craneales. Caminar por las escaleras requiere equilibrio, coordinación y concentración. Si las escaleras son resbaladizas o tienen defectos como cemento agrietado o iluminación inadecuada, las caídas son más probables.

Los peligros de las escaleras inseguras

Cada año, miles de personas sufren lesiones debido a escaleras inseguras. Según el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, las caídas son la segunda causa principal de muertes relacionadas con lesiones no intencionales en los Estados Unidos. Las escaleras son particularmente peligrosas, y una investigación de la revista American Journal of Emergency Medicine estima más de un millón de lesiones relacionadas con escaleras anualmente.

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of personal injury cases in Illinois. They often occur in grocery stores, big box stores, Targets, Home Depot and all other stores open to the public. Injuries can be serious, such as broken bones, head trauma, or spinal injuries. These types of cases can be difficult to prove so it is important to hire experienced slip and fall lawyers such as Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. to handle your case.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are often caused by dangers that could have been prevented with proper care. Common causes include:

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