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The Chicago Department of Transportation recently announced that a record 11 million trips were taken on shared ride scooters and bikes in 2024.  That compares to 8.7 million rides that were taken in 2023 and represents the fourth straight year that use of ride share services have increased.   The personal injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. note that the city of Chicago has made a concerted effort to expand its Divvy bike and scooter docking stations.  The city has stated it has a goal of adding 400 more docking stations in the near future which will most likely increase usage of ride-share services even more. Part of the plan is put more Divvy stations at key transportation hubs like CTA and Metra stations.

Though Divvy bike docks are open year-round, riding Divvy bikes and any other bikes in the winter in Chicago is especially challenging.

Added Dangers of Winter Cycling

Winter driving in Chicago can be dangerous. Icy roads, heavy snow, and freezing temperatures create challenges that demand preparation and vigilance.  As Chicago plaintiff personal injury attorneys at Zneimer & Zneimer P.C., we’ve seen many cases where the accidents were causes by icy roads. With proper preparation and safe driving techniques, you can reduce the risk of accidents and stay safe on the road. Here’s how to prepare your vehicle, drive safely, and be ready for emergencies this winter season.

Preparing Your Vehicle for Winter Driving

Before the first snowfall, it’s essential to ensure your vehicle is winter-ready. Use this checklist to prepare your car:

Cualquiera que circule por Western Ave. en Chicago ha notado toda la construcción que se está realizando a lo largo de las aceras para agregar salientes de bordillo y otras adiciones diseñadas para favorecer a los peatones. Los salientes de bordillo son bordillos que se extienden hacia la calle, creando más espacio en la acera en las esquinas. Según el sitio web del Departamento de Transporte de Chicago, la filosofía detrás de los salientes de bordillo es que hacen las calles más seguras y reducen las lesiones de peatones que resultan de ser atropellados por un automóvil:

  • Reduciendo la velocidad del tráfico al estrechar la calle.
  • Obligar a los conductores que giran a reducir la velocidad para completar los giros.

Los abogados de resbalones y caídas de Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. observan que los casos más comunes de lesiones en propiedades son las caídas en escaleras. Bajar escaleras es intrínsecamente peligroso, ya que una caída desde cierta altura genera la fuerza necesaria para causar esguinces graves, fracturas y traumatismos craneales. Caminar por las escaleras requiere equilibrio, coordinación y concentración. Si las escaleras son resbaladizas o tienen defectos como cemento agrietado o iluminación inadecuada, las caídas son más probables.

Los peligros de las escaleras inseguras

Cada año, miles de personas sufren lesiones debido a escaleras inseguras. Según el Consejo Nacional de Seguridad, las caídas son la segunda causa principal de muertes relacionadas con lesiones no intencionales en los Estados Unidos. Las escaleras son particularmente peligrosas, y una investigación de la revista American Journal of Emergency Medicine estima más de un millón de lesiones relacionadas con escaleras anualmente.

Slip and fall accidents are among the most common types of personal injury cases in Illinois. They often occur in grocery stores, big box stores, Targets, Home Depot and all other stores open to the public. Injuries can be serious, such as broken bones, head trauma, or spinal injuries. These types of cases can be difficult to prove so it is important to hire experienced slip and fall lawyers such as Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. to handle your case.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall accidents are often caused by dangers that could have been prevented with proper care. Common causes include:

Las leyes de la física se aplican a todo, incluidos los accidentes de vehículos. Cuando un SUV o camión de 5,500 libras choca con un automóvil que pesa 3,300 libras, es de esperar que el automóvil sufra más daños y, en consecuencia, es más probable que el conductor del automóvil resulte herido o fallezca. Los abogados de lesiones automovilísticas de Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. han observado que cuando automóviles más pequeños están involucrados en choques con SUVs grandes o camiones, el automóvil más pequeño sufrirá significativamente más daño. The Economist realizó recientemente un estudio en el que recopiló diez años de datos de accidentes de informes policiales de 14 estados. Sus hallazgos fueron publicados el 7 de septiembre de 2024 en un artículo titulado “Peligrosamente pesados”. Los números son sorprendentes. Para los vehículos más pesados, aquellos que pesan alrededor de 6,800 libras, los conductores de estos vehículos experimentaron 4.1 “muertes en el propio vehículo” por cada 10,000 accidentes, en comparación con 6.6 “muertes en el propio vehículo” para autos que pesan un promedio de 3,500 libras. Sin embargo, estos vehículos más pesados fueron responsables de 37 “muertes en el vehículo contrario” por cada 10,000 accidentes. Entonces, si bien los conductores de los vehículos más pesados estaban ligeramente más seguros, el resto de nosotros en autos corríamos un riesgo sustancialmente mayor de sufrir lesiones o muerte. The Economist observa, basándose en estos datos, que “por cada vida que los SUVs y camiones más pesados salvan, se pierden más de una docena de vidas en otros vehículos”. Para los vehículos en el 10% superior de peso, que pesan al menos 5,000 libras, la tasa de mortalidad fue de 26 muertes por cada 10,000 accidentes. El conductor del SUV o camión experimentó 5.9 de estas muertes por cada 10,000 accidentes, mientras que el desafortunado vehículo contrario experimentó 20.2 muertes por cada 10,000 accidentes. Para la siguiente categoría, de vehículos que pesan entre 5,000 y 4,500 libras, la distribución fue de 5.4 muertes del conductor del SUV o camión por cada 10,000 accidentes y una tasa de mortalidad de 10.3 muertes por cada 10,000 accidentes para el vehículo contrario. Lo que las estadísticas dejan en claro es que el peso mata. Además, también es evidente que el peso de los vehículos más pesados se puede reducir sustancialmente con solo un impacto mínimo en la seguridad del conductor del SUV o camión, mientras se salvan muchas más vidas de personas que conducen vehículos de peso promedio.

Dadas estas estadísticas tan contundentes, uno pensaría que se prestaría más atención a este problema de seguridad. Sin embargo, los abogados de lesiones de Zneimer y Zneimer, P.C. señalan que los automóviles estadounidenses solo están aumentando de peso, creando un ambiente de carrera armamentista en el que los conductores estadounidenses necesitan comprar vehículos cada vez más pesados solo para estar seguros de otros conductores. El automóvil nuevo promedio en Estados Unidos ahora pesa 4,400 libras, mientras que el automóvil promedio europeo pesa 3,200 libras y el automóvil promedio japonés pesa 2,600 libras. Una solución sería imponer un fuerte recargo a los vehículos más pesados. Antes de que una idea así pueda ganar tracción, sin embargo, es necesario que las personas sean más conscientes de los peligros que representan los SUVs y camiones más pesados en las carreteras.

Publicado en: Accidentes automovilísticos y Accidentes de camiones

Written by Peter Zneimer

Chicago has had only 0ne bicyclist fatality in 2024 as of September 16, 2024. Though any bike death is a tragedy, that number is a vast improvement from previous years.  According to the Illinois Department of Transportation, Chicago reported seven bicyclist deaths in 2023, 10 deaths in 2022, and 11 in 2021.  The question that Chicago city officials and bike safety advocates is contemplating is whether the decrease is a fluke or whether the decrease can be attributed to actions taken by the city to improve bike safety.

The bike injury lawyers of Zneimer and Zneimer P.C. note that the city of Chicago has been committed to broad program to improve bike safety in the city. Chicago, in recent years, has instituted 50 miles of bike safety upgrades and 27 miles protected bike lanes that have been completed by the Chicago Department of Transportation.  Though improvements have been made, Chicago has a ways to reach its vision zero goals of zero traffic deaths since there have been 22 pedestrian deaths and 41 traffic deaths in Chicago through July of 2024 according to the Chicago Department of Transportation.

Written and Reviewed by Peter Zneimer

Chicago in recent year has invested heavily in improving cross walk safety.  The city has added cross walk signs to many crosswalks.  Some have included warnings that it is a violation of state law not to stop for pedestrians in a cross walk.  The fanciest crosswalks have flashing lights that are activated by pushing a button that warn motorists that pedestrians are crossing.   The City’s efforts to upgrade pedestrian safety should be commend given the rise of pedestrian injuries in Illinois.  The personal injury injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. note that pedestrian accident cases typically have severe injuries because these accidents most often involve a motor vehicle striking a human body.

Given the steady rise of of pedestrian deaths in Cook County the money spent on improving pedestrian safety is wisely spent. According to the National Highway Traffic Administration (NHTSA) pedestrian accident fatalities in Cook County increased by 28% between 2016 and 2020.  In another study done by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA) study showed that pedestrian deaths in Illinois  rose 55% from 2005 to 2020.

Written and Reviewed by Peter Zneimer

Wandering around Chicago, one will witness firsthand the micromobility revolution.  In high traffic areas, everywhere you look in Chicago you will see people riding e-scooters, e-bikes  and pedal  bikes.  The surge in micromobility is fueled by corresponding surge of on-demand bicycle and e-scooter networks such as Divvy, Lime and Spin flooding the city.  Such services, hypothetically, offer young, solo riders an easy, cheap, and eco-friendly way to take way to take short trips.  Over 4 million e- scooter trips have been recorded in Chicago since 2022.

Along with the benefits come with many safety risks. The rise of micromobility vehicles has been accompanied by emergency room visits by users of these vehicles. The e-scooter injury attorneys of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. have experienced first hand the rise of e-scooter accidents with injuries by the number of call we are getting.   Anyone driving a car or walking around Chicago has most likely had a close call with a Divvy bike or  a Lime, Spin, Divvy E-scooter.  One of the major problems with micromobility is the limited number of protected bike lanes in Chicago.  Most of the so called bike-ways are at best, a painted bike lane that runs parallel to the parked car lane. At worst, the bike-way is simply a street with a bike painted on it.  This state of affairs leads to micromobility commuters being exposed to getting hit by a motor vehicle.  Damen Ave. and Lincoln Ave. are examples of  bike-ways with painted on bike lanes that offer minimal protections.  Damen Ave. in particular goes from wider bike lanes, to narrower bike lanes to bike lanes so narrow they barely afford room for a bike and car to fit on the road.

When biking in Chicago, at times it feels as if one is risking life and limb just to commute from one place to another.  The statistics seem to bear out that riding a bike not only feels dangerous but actually is dangerous.    From June 2023 to August 2023 there were 819 bike crashes with 75 of these leading to serious injuries according to CDOT.  Everyone who bikes on a regular basis in Chicago has stories of being involved in crashes with motorists or close calls.  The bicycle injury lawyers of Zneimer & Zneimer P.C. have had many clients that have been injured in bicycle accidents where the motorists are simply not keeping a look-out for bicyclists, either when making a right turn, when opening a car door or when making a left turn in an intersection.

Chicago has made a concerted effort in recent years to improve the infrastructure for bicyclists in recent years, adding 400 miles of bike-ways between 2018 and 2022.  Though that sounds like a lot, the reality is the vast majority of new bike-way lanes are simply painted on the roadway and offer little protection to bicyclists who are essentially still out in the traffic.

In Chicago, several intersections are notoriously dangerous for bicyclists due to a combination of heavy traffic, poor infrastructure, and the presence of multiple road users. Here are some of the most hazardous intersections and the reasons why they are considered risky:

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